- F. Hermanutz, M. P. Vocht, M. R. Buchmeiser, Development of New Cellulosic Fibers and Composites using Ionic Liquid Technology, In: M. B. Shiflett (Eds.) Commercial Applications of Ionic Liquids. Green Chemistry and Sustainable Technology. Springer, Cham, 2020, S. 227-260, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-35245-5_10
- R. Hufenus, Y. Yan, M. Dauner, D. Yao, T. Kikutani, Bicomponent Fibers, In: J. Hu (Eds.), B. Kumar, J. Lu, Handbook of Fibrous Materials, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2020, S. 281-313, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/9783527342587.ch11
- H. Wilson, B. Bueno, B. Baesch, H. Illg, Gebäudehülle: Textil-KFFS–Bewertung textiler Sonnenschutzkomponenten, In: Wissenschaftliche Begleitforschung ENERGIEWENDEBAUEN (Eds.), Energiewendebauen. Forschungserkenntnisse von der Komponente bis zum Quartier, Fraunhofer IRB Verlag, Stuttgart, 2020, S. 90-98
- L. Müller, T. Speck, J. Knippers, G. T. Gresser, Wandelbarer Leichtbau in der Architektur – biegsame Flächen-tragwerke auf der Grundlage bionischer Prinzipien, In: A. Bernotat, J. Bertling, Prototype Nature: Biologie als Startpunkt in Technologie, Kunst und Design für eine nachhaltigere Zukunft, Karl Maria Laufen, Oberhausen, 2020, S. 257- 261, DOI: 10.24406/umsicht-n-531984
- F. Moltenbrey, M. Tilebein, Potenziale und Herausforderungen neuer digitaler Interaktionssysteme im Kollektionsentwicklungsprozess der Bekleidungsindustrie, In: M. Freitag (Eds.), Mensch-Technik-Interaktion in der digitalisierten Arbeitswelt, 2020, S. 59-78, DOI: https://doi.org/10.30844/wgab_2020_4
- M. P. Makthoum, M. Holynska, P. Weiss, T. Gobert, Y. Chouard, N. Singh, T. Chalal, N. Sejkora, G. Groemer, S. Schmied, M. Schweins, T. Stegmaier, G. T. Gresser, S. Das, Planetary Exploration Textiles (PExTex) – Materials Selection Procedure for Surface EVA Suit Development, 71st International Astronautical Congress (IAC) – The CyberSpace Edition (2020)
- M. Weiß, T. Fischer, K. Pfleiderer, A. Rissiek, M. Mandalka, Passend von der Stange: Vergleich von KI-Ansätzen zur Körperformanalyse in der Produktion, Fabriksoftware (2020) 17-20
- P. M. Hauser, M. van der Ende, J. Groos, W. Frey, D. Wang, M. R. Buchmeiser, Cationic Tungsten Alkylidyne N‑Heterocyclic Carbene Complexes: Synthesis and Reactivity in Alkyne Metathesis
- N. Stipić, J. Seibold, Model for Quantification of Environmental Impact of Textile Products within Webshops, X International Conference Industrial Engineering and Environmental Protection (ILZS) 2020 (2020) 294-301, http://www.tfzr.uns.ac.rs/iizs/files/IIZS%202020%20Proceedings.pdf
- D. Šurc, D. Michel, A. Mirosnicenko, A. Artschwager, U. Röder, Scan to Knit - From Body Scan Directly to the Knitting Machine, Proceedings of 3DBODY.TECH 2020 11th Int. Conference and Exhibition on 3D Body Scanning and Processing Technologies (2020), DOI: https://doi.org/10.15221/20.30
- S. König, P. Kreis, L. Reinders, R. Bayer, A. Wego, C. Herbert, M. Steinmann, E. Frank, M. R. Buchmeiser, Melt Spinning of Propylene Carbonate-Plasticized Poly(acrylonitrile)-co-Poly(methyl acrylate), Polymers for Advanced Technologies (2020) 1-9, DOI: doi.org/10.1002/pat.4909
- P. K. R. Panyam, L. Stöhr, D. Wang, W. Frey, M. R. Buchmeiser, Chromium (VI) Bisimido Dichloro, Bisimido Alkylidene and Chromium (V) Bisimido Iodo N-Heterocyclic Carbene Complexes, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (2020) 3673-3681
- N. Langhof, S. Baz, W. Krenkel, G. Ohnemüller, O. Reichert, Metamorphosen – C/C-SiC Verbundkeramiken aus modifizierten Hybridgarnen mit Kurzfasern, CU reports 01 (2020) 40-41
- H.-J. Bauder, J. Wolfrum, M. Caliskan, T. Weimer, G. T. Gresser, Verbesserte Funktion bei Körperschutzelementen durch Textil-Schaum-Verbunde, Technische Textilien 2 (2020) 68-70
- T. Stegmaier, M. Aliabadi, V. v. Arnim, C. Kaya, J. Sarsour, G. T. Gresser, Bionics/Biomimetic in Textile Research, Journal of Textile Engineering and Fashion Technology 2 (1) (2020) 6-7
- H.-J. Bauder, J. Wolfrum, M. Caliskan, T. Weimer, G. T. Gresser, Schaumgefüllte Abstandsgewebe für den Körperschutz, Melliand Textilberichte 02/03 (2020) 79
- E. Bell, L. Lechthaler, T. Gries, G. Stegschuster, S. Schlichter, L-Ausheyks, O. Reichert, S. Baz, G. T. Gresser, Hybridgarn aus recycelten Carbonfasern, Report kunststoffland NRW e.V. 3 (2020) 34-35
- K. Neuwerk, M. Haupt, Tiefe Töne hoch im Kurs beim Lärmschutz - Minderung von niederfrequentem Schall durch die periodischen Strukturen von Abstandsgewirken, Kettenwirkpraxis 3 (2020) 26-27
- P. Wang, J. Trück, S. Niesen, J. Kappler, K. Küster, U. Starke, F. Ziegler, A. Hintennach, M. R. Buchmeiser, High-Performance Magnesium-Sulfur Batteries Based on a Sulfurated Poly(acrylonitrile) Cathode, a Borohydride Electrolyte and a High-Surface Area Magnesium Anode, Batteries & Supercaps 3 (2020) 1239-1247
- R. Schneider, S. Frick, A. Lenz, Y. Caydamli, Ph. Arnold, Textile-Based Sensors for Inspection of Composite Materials, Journal of Materials Science and Engineering B 10 (3-4) (2020) 74-83, DOI: 10.17265/2161-6221/2020.3-4.004
- J. Wellekötter, J. Resch, S. Baz, G. T. Gresser, C. Bonten, Insights into the Processing of Recycled Carbon Fibers via Injection Molding Compounding, Journal of Composites Science 04 (2020) 161, DOI: 10.3390/jcs4040161
- M. Steinmann, Latente Epoxidsysteme für Faserverbundwerkstoffe, Textil Plus 07/08 (2020) 31-32
- R. Mukkabla, M. R. Buchmeiser, Cathode Materials for Metal-Sulfur Batteries Based on Sulfur Covalently Bound to a Polymeric Backbone, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 8 (2020) 5379-5394
- A. Scherrieble, M. Doser, M. Hoss, M. Dauner, E. Dohle, S. Al-Maawi, R. Sader, C. J. Kirkpatrick, S. Ghanaati, An in vitro co-culture model for cutaneous wound healing to assess a porous fiber-based drug delivery system: towards improved wound care, Tissue Engineering Part C: Methods 09 (2020) 475-484, DOI: http://doi.org/10.1089/ten.tec.2020.0145
- P. Weiss, P. Mohamed, P. M. Makthoum, T. Gobert, Y. Chouard, S. Nisheet, T. Chalal, S. Schmied, M. Schweins, T. Stegmaier, G. T. Gresser, G. Groemer, N. Seikora, S. Das, R. Rampini, M. Holynska, Advanced Materials for Future Lunar Extravehicular Activity Space Suit, Advanced Materials Technologies 09 (2020), DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/admt.202000028
- M. Benedikter, J. Musso, M. K. Kesharwani, K. L. Sterz, I. Elser, F. Ziegler, F. Fischer, B. Plietker, W. Frey, J. Kästner, M. Winkler, J. van Slageren, M. Nowakowski, M. Bauer, M. R. Buchmeiser, Charge Distribution in Cationic Molybdenum Imido Alkylidene N-Heterocyclic Carbene Complexes: A Combined X-Ray, XAS, XES, DFT, Moessbauer and Catalysis Approach, ACS Catalysis 10 (2020) 14810-14823
- S. Micus, H.-H. Böttcher, S. Schmied, M. Haupt, G. T. Gresser, Nonwovens with and without super-absorbents Surface help firefighters as additional active-cooling to prevent heat-related deaths, AML 11 (8) (2020) 20081545, DOI: 10.5185/amlett.2020.081545
- S. Micus, M. Haupt, G. T. Gresser, Soldering Electronics to Smart Textiles by Pulsed Nd:YAG Laser, Materials 13 (11) (2020) 2429, DOI: 10.3390/ma13112429
- R. Hufenus, Y. Yan, M. Dauner, T. Kikutani, Melt-Spun Fibers for Textile Applications, Materials 13 (19) (2020) 4298, DOI: 10.3390/ma13194298; www.mdpi.com/journal/materials
- S. König, P. Kreis, C. Herbert, A. Wego, M. Steinmann, D. Wang, E. Frank, M. R. Buchmeiser, Melt-Spinning of an Intrinsically Flame-Retardant Polyacrylonitrile Copolymer, Materials 13 (21) (2020) 4826, DOI: doi.org/10.3390/ma13214826
- E. Bell, G. Stegschuster, S. Baz, CarboYarn, NewsLight 17 (2020) https://azl-aachen-gmbh.de/newslight-17-ita/
- J. V. Musso, M. J. Benedikter, D. Wang, W. Frey, H. J. Altmann, M. R. Buchmeiser, Reversible N-Heterocyclic Carbene Induced α-H Elimination of Tungsten (VI) Imido Dialkyl Dialkoxide Complexes, Chemistry – A European Journal 26 (2020) 8709-8713
- S. König, P. Kreis, L. Reinders, R. Beyer, A. Wego, C. Herbert, M. Steinmann, E. Frank, M. R. Buchmeiser, Melt-Spinning of Propylene Carbonate-Plasticized Poly(acrylonitrile)-co-Poly(methyl acrylate), Polymers for Advanced Technologies 31 (2020) 1827-1835
- K. Neuwerk, M. Haupt, G. T. Gresser, Sound absorption by textile resonators, Vibroengineering PROCEDIA 31 (2020) 103-108, DOI: https://doi.org/10.21595/vp.2020.21309
- J. V. Musso, M. J. Benedikter, P. Gebel, I. Elser, W. Frey, M. R. Buchmeiser, Synthesis of Tungsten (VI) Imido Alkylidene Bispyrrolide Complexes via the Isocyanate Route, Organometallics 39 (17) (2020) 3072-3076
- M. K. Kesharwani, I. Elser, J. V. Musso, M. R. Buchmeiser, J. Kästner, Reaction Mechanism of Ring-Closing Metathesis with a Cationic Molybdenum Imido Alkylidene N-Heterocyclic Carbene Catalyst, Organometallics 39 (17) (2020) 3146-3159
- P. Probst, I. Elser, R. Schowner, M. Benedikter, M. R. Buchmeiser, Regio- and Stereospecific Cyclopolymerization of α,ω-Diynes by Cationic Molybdenum Imido Alkylidene N-Heterocyclic Carbene Complexes, Macromolecular Rapid Communications 41 (2020) 1900398
- H. J. Altmann, W. Frey, M. R. Buchmeiser, A Spirocyclic Parabanic Acid Masked N-Heterocyclic Carbene as Thermally Latent Pre-Catalyst for Polyamide 6 Synthesis and Epoxide Curing, Macromolecular Rapid Communications 41 (2020) 2000338
- K. Heinzel, H. Finckh, A. Dinkelmann, F. Fritz, G. T. Gresser, P. Huter, Design and validation of a novel testing method for computer tomographic analysis of upholstery materials under deformation, Journal of Industrial Textiles 50 (5) (11/2020)
- H. J. Altmann, M. Steinmann, G. Mourgas, I. Elser, M. J. Benedikter, S. Naumann, M. R. Buchmeiser, Dual Catalysis with an N-Heterocyclic Carbene and a Lewis Acid: Thermally Latent Pre-Catalysts for the Polymerization of Azepan-2-one, Journal of Polymer Science 58 (2020) 3219–3226
- R. Schowner, I. Elser, M. Benedikter, M. Momin, W. Frey, T. Schneck, L. Stöhr, M. R. Buchmeiser, Origin and Use of Hydroxyl Group Tolerance in Cationic Molybdenum Imido Alkylidene N-Heterocyclic Carbene Catalysts, Angewandte Chemie International Edition 59 (2020) 951-958
- J. De Jesus Silva, D. Mance, M. Pucino, M. J. Benedikter, I. Elser, M. R. Buchmeiser, C. Copéret, Silica-Supported Cationic Tungsten Imido Alkylidene Stabilized by an N-Heterocyclic Carbene Ligand Boosts Activity and Selectivity in the Metathesis of a-Olefins, Helvetica Chimica Acta 103 (2020) e2000161, special issue in dedication of Prof. Togni’s retirement
- M. Pucino, W.-C. Liao, K. W. Chan, E. Lam, R. Schowner, P. A. Zhizhko, M. R. Buchmeiser, C. Copéret, Metal-Surface Interactions and Surface Heterogeneity in “Well-Defined” Silica-Supported Alkene Metathesis Catalyst: Evidences and Consequences, Helvetica Chimica Acta 103 (6) (2020) e2000072
- A. Rawal, S. Sharma, D. Singh, N. K. Jangir, H. Saraswat, D. Sebok, A. Kukovecz, D. Hietel, M. Dauner, L. Onal, Out-of-plane auxetic nonwoven as a designer meta-biomaterial, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 112 (2020) 104069, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmbbm.2020.104069
- R. Schowner, I. Elser, M. Benedikter, M. Momin, W. Frey, T. Schneck, L. Stöhr, M. R. Buchmeiser, Origin and Use of Hydroxyl Group Tolerance in Cationic Molybdenum Imido Alkylidene N-Heterocyclic Carbene Catalysts, Angewandte Chemie 132 (2020) 961-968
- T. Lebherz, D. L. Weldin, A. Hintennach, M. R. Buchmeiser, Synthesis of Ionic Dendrimers and Their Potential Use as Electrolytes for Lithium-Sulfur Batteries, Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 221 (16) (2020) 1900436
- A. S. Abd-El-Aziz, M. Antonietti, C. Barner-Kowollik, W. H. Binder, A. Böker, C. Boyer, M. R. Buchmeiser, S. Z. D. Cheng, M. F. D’Agosto, G. Floudas, H. Frey, J. Genzer, G. Galli, L. Hartmann, R. Hoogenboom, T. Ishizone, D. L. Kaplan, M. Leclerc, A. Lendlein, B. Liu, T. E. Long, S. Ludwigs, J.-F. Lutz, K. Matyjaszewski, M. A. R. Meier, K. Müllen, M. Müllner, B. Rieger, T. P. Russell, D. A. Savin, A. D. Schlüter, U. S. Schubert, S. Seiffert, K. Severing, J. B. P. Soares, M. Staffilani, B. S. Sumerlin, Y. Sun, B. Z. Tang, C. Tang, P. Theato, N. Tirelli, O. K. C. Tsui, M. M. Unterlass, P. Vana, B. Voit, S. Vyazovkin, C. Weder, U. Wiesner, W.-Y. Wong, C. Wu, Y. Yagci, J. Yuan, G. Zhang, The next 100 years of polymer science - quo vadis?, Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 221 (16) (2020) 2000216
- M. Dyballa, C. Rieg, D. Dittmann, Z. Li, M. R. Buchmeiser, B. Plietker, M. Hunger, Potential of Triphenylphosphine as Solid-State NMR Probe for Studying the Noble Metal Distribution on Porous Catalysts, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 293 (2020) 109778
- C. Rieg, D. Dittmann, Z. Li, A. Kurz, I. Lorenz, D. Estes, M. R. Buchmeiser, M. Dyballa, M. Hunger, Noble Metal Location in Porous Supports Determined by Reaction with Phosphines, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 310 (2020) 110594
- P. Wang, J. Kappler, B. Sievert, J. Häcker, K. Müller, M. R. Buchmeiser, Characteristics of magnesium-sulfur batteries based on a sulfurized poly(acrylonitrile) composite and a fluorinated electrolyte, Electrochimica Acta 361 (2020) 137024
- M. Benedikter, F. Ziegler, J. Groos, P. Hauser, R. Schowner, M. R. Buchmeiser, Group 6 Metal Alkylidene and Alkylidyne N-heterocyclic Carbene Complexes for Olefin and Alkyne Metathesis, Coordination Chemistry Reviews 415 (2020) 213315
- S. Pagel, J. Benz, G. Mourgas, M. R. Buchmeiser, C. Bonten, Reactive Compounding of Intrinsically Flame-Resistant Polyamides, AIP Conference Proceedings 2289 (2020) 020043
- M. Imbert, H. Finckh, G. T. Gresser, Mechanical analytical modelling of non-axisymmetric overbraiding, Journal of Composite Materials, digital published 03.11.2020, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/0021998320968625
- M. Winkler, D. Stellmach, M. Tilebein, Neue Szenarien der Wertschöpfung für Geschäftsmodelle in der Textilwirtschaft, in: M. Schröder (Eds.), K. Wegner, Logistik im Wandel der Zeit – Von der Produktionssteuerung zu vernetzten Supply Chains, Verlag Springer Gabler, (2019), S. 601-626
- M. Tilebein, Textile Transformation - Wieso die gebeutelte Branche Renaissance erlebt, return - Magazin für Transformation und Turnaround, Springer Gabler 3 (2019) 65
- M. Tilebein, Textile Transformation, SalesExcellence 10 - (2019) 56-57
- M. Stephan, B. Vanicela, A. Ulmer, C. Riethmüller, M. Haupt, T. Hecht, T. Gresser, J. Seibold, N. Stipic, L. von Wascinski, Leben in die vier Wände bringen - Entwicklung von autonomen Living-Wall-Systemen für Innenräume durch textile Funktionselemente mit Abstandsgewirken, Kettenwirkpraxis 4 (2019) 26-27
- M. Dauner, ITMA 2019 - News from fiber production, Chemical Fibers International 3 (2019), 129
M. R. Buchmeiser, E. Muks, E. Frank, U. Hageroth, S. Henzler, R. Schowner, J. Spörl, A. Ota, R. Beyer, Structure Evolution in All-Aromatic, Poly(p-Phenylene-Vinylene)-Derived Carbon Fibers, Carbon 144 (2019) 659-665, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.carbon.2018.12.096
M. R. Buchmeiser, Functional Precision Polymers via Stereo- and Regioselective Polymerization Using Group 6 Metal Alkylidene and Group 6 and 8 Metal Alkylidene N-Heterocyclic Carbene ComplexesMacromol, Rapid Communications 40 (2019) 1800492
F. E. M. Herrmann, A. Lehner, F. Koenig, T. Hollweck, C. Fano, M. Dauner, G. Eissner, C. Hagl, B. Akra, A feasibility study of a multimodal stimulation bioreactor for the conditioning of stem cell seeded cardiac patches via electrical impulses and pulsatile perfusion, Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering 30 (2019) 37-48, DOI: 10.3233/BME-181031
- P. Hofmann, A. Walch, A. Dinkelmann, S. Kumar Selvarayan, G. T. Gresser, Woven piezoelectric sensors as part of the textile reinforcement of fiber reinforced plastics, Composites Part A 116 (2019) 79–86, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compositesa.2018.10.019
- I. Windschiegl, Gleichmäßigkeit von zentrifugengesponnenen Feinstfaservliesstoffen,TextilPlus 01/02 (2019) 30-32
- M. Clauss, S. König, M. R. Buchmeiser, Synthesis of Linear Poly(oxazolidin-2-one)s by Cooperative Catalysis Based on N -Heterocyclic Carbenes and Simple Lewis Acids, Macromolecules 52 (2019) 487-494
- M. R. Buchmeiser, T. K. Schneck, B. Brück, M. Schulz, J. M. Spörl, F. Hermanutz, B. Clauß, W. M. Mueller, B. Heidenreich, D. Koch, S. Horn, Carbon fiber surface modification for tailored fiber-matrix adhesion in the manufacture of C/C-SiC composites, Composites Part A 120 (2019), 64-72
- M. Stephan, B. Baesch, C. Riethmüller, G. T. Gresser, Lichtlenkender Plisse - Neue Ansätze für das Tageslichtmanagement, Technische Textilien 1 (2019) 18-20
- M. Stephan, B. Baesch, C. Riethmüller, G. T. Gresser, Light-guided pleated structures - new approaches to daylight management, Technical Textiles International 1 (2019) E21-E23
- M. R. Buchmeiser, Influence of morphology of monolithic sulfur poly(acrylonitrile) composites used as cathode materials in lithium sulfur batteries on electrochemical performance, RSC Advanced 9 (2019) 7181-7188
- C. Goergen, S. Baz, O. Reichert, P. Mitschang, G. T. Gresser, Tiefziehbare Organobleche aus recycelten Carbonfasern, Kunststofftechnik 01 (2019) 54-94, DOI: 10.3139/O999.03012019
- J. Wellekötter, S. Baz, J. Schwingel, G. T. Gresser, P. Middendorf, C. Bonten, Recycling of composites – A new approach minimizes downgrading, AIP Conference Proceedings 2055, 060009 (2019), https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5084841
- M. Lütz, O.Reichert, S. Baz, M. Milwich, G. T. Gresser, Geflechtbauteile aus rezyklierten Carbonfasergarnen, Plastverarbeiter 01 (2019) 40-42
- C. Riethmüller, Moostex: Aktive Bewässerung regelt den Feinstaub-Hunger der Mooswände, TextilPlus 05/06 (2019), 34-35
- K. Haigis, M. Stephan, C. Riethmüller, H. Illg, G.T. Gresser, Neues Messverfahren zur Bestimmung lichttechnischer Kennwerte von Strumpfhosen, Melliand 02 (2019) 88-90
- M. Tilebein, Small, Smart and Sustainable, WTIN Digital Textile 2 (2019) 60-63
- L. von Wascinski, M. Weiß, M. Tilebein, Digitalisierung individuell gestalten – Unterstützung der digitalen Transformation durch das „Mittelstand 4.0-Kompetenzzentrum Textil vernetzt“, Industrie 4.0 MANAGEMENT (06/2019) 35-38
- M. Stephan, B. Vanicela, C. Riethmüller, G. T. Gresser, Grüner wird’s nicht. Sensorische Garne für die Steuerung von Pflanzenbeleuchtung, Licht 6 (09/2019) 70 - 72
- P. Hofmann, A. Walch, S. Arnold-Keifer, S. K. Selvarayan, G. T. Gresser, Utilization of the textile reinforcements of fiber reinforced plastics as sensor for condition monitoring, Composites Part A 126 (11/2019) 105603, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compositesa.2019.105603
- J. Barz, M. Haupt, C. Oehr, T. Hirth, P. Grimmer, Stability and water wetting behavior of superhydrophobic polyurethane films created by hot embossing and plasma etching and coating, Plasma Processes and Polymers (04/2019) e1800214, https://doi.org/10.1002/ppap.201800214
- S. Schindler, H.-J. Bauder, J. Wolfrum, J. Seibold, N. Stipic, L. von Wascinski, M. Tilebein, G. T. Gresser, Engineering of three-dimensionalnear-net-shape weave structuresfor high technical performance incarbon fibre–reinforced plastics, Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics 14 (2019) 1-16, https://doi.org/10.1177/1558925019861239
- T. Maschler, B. Stürmer‑Stephan, J. Morhard, T. Stegmaier, M. Tilebein, H. W. Griepentrog, A decision support method for designing vegetation layerswith minimised irrigation need, Annals of Operations Research (2019) 1-24, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10479-019-03401-0
- S. Micus, H. Pachl, M. Haupt, G. T. Gresser, Locally LSR Over-Molding of Textile Integrated Actors and Sensors, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Reviews (2019) 106-112
- S. Baz, ITMA 2019 – Innovativer Maschinenbau in der Spinnerei und Spinnereivorbereitung, Melliand 03 (2019) 175-178
- S. Baz, ITMA 2019 – Innovative mechanical engineering in the spinning and spinning preparation industry, Melliand International 04 (2019) 237-240
- L. Lechthaler, G. Stegschuster, E. Bell, A. Janßen, T. Gries, S. Schlichter, L. Ausheyks, O. Reichert, S. Baz, G. T. Gresser, CarboYarn – Technologischer Vergleich von Spinnverfahren zur Herstellung von rCF-Stapelfasergarnen, Textil Plus 11/12 (2019) 6-9
- E. Bell, A. Janßen, L. Lechthaler, T. Gries, G. Stegschuster, S. Schlichter, L. Ausheyks, O. Reichert, S. Baz, G. T. Gresser, CarboYarn - Spinning processes for rCF Staple Fibre Yarn, Compositi Band 14 54, (12/2019) 14-15
- T. Stegmaier, R. Schneider, V. v. Arnim, ITMA 2019 - Finishing and coating, Melliand International 04 (2019) 261-264
- T. Stegmaier, W. Wunderlich, G. T. Gresser, Maden für den Faden, Wirtschaft 05 (2019) 34
- B. Hosne, K. S. Subrata, A. B. Siddique, T. Stegmaier, Investigation on the spinability of fine areca fiber, The Journal of the Textile Institute (01/2019) 1754-2340 DOI: 10.1080/00405000.2018.1559017 ISSN: 0040-50000
- A. August, A. Kneer, A. Reiter, M. Wirtz, J. Sarsour, T. Stegmaier, S. Barbe, G. T. Gresser, B. Nester, A Bionic approach for heat generation and latent heat storage inspired by the polar bear, Energy 168 (2019) 1017-1030
- D. G. Cojocaru, S. Hondke, J. P. Krüger, C. Bosch, C. Croicu, S. Florescu, A. Lazarescu, J.-M.Jr. Patrascu, J.-M. Patrascu, M. Dauner, G. T. Gresser, M. Endres, Meniscus shaped cell-free polyglycolic acid scaffold for meniscal repair in a sheep model, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B 06 (2019) DOI: 10.1002/jbm.b.34435
- I. Windschiegl, M. Hoss, L. Rufeis, M. Dauner, G. T. Gresser, Produktives Meltblow und fein dazu, AVR (01/2019) 32-35
- M. Dauner, Chemical fiber production: What was new at the ITMA 2019?, Ceramic Forum International 03 (2019) 174
K.I. Heinzel, H. Finckh, A. Dinkelmann, F. Fritz, G.T. Gresser, P. Huter, Design and validation of a novel testing method for computer tomographic analysis of upholstery materials under deformation, Journal of Industrial Textiles (04/2019) https://doi.org/10.1177%2F1528083719839392
- S. Micus, I. Kirsten, M. Haupt, G. T. Gresser, Analysis of Hot Bar Soldering, Insulation Displacement Connections (IDC), and Anisotropic Conductive Adhesives (ACA), for the Automated Production of Smart Textiles, Sensors 2020 (18.12.2019) 5 doi:10.3390/s20010005
- A. Mark, A. Psikuta, B. Bauer, R. Rossi, G. T. Gresser, Artificial skin for sweating guarded hotplates and manikins based on weft knitted fabrics, Textile Research Journal 1 (2018), https://doi.org/10.1177/0040517517750646
- F. Hermanutz, M. P. Vocht, N. Panzier, M. R. Buchmeiser, Processing of Cellulose Using Ionic Liquids, Macromolecular Materials and Engineering (2018) 1800450,
- M. Culebras, A. Beaucamp, Y. Wang, M. M. Clauss, E. Frank, M. N. Collins, Biobased Structurally Compatible Polymer Blends Based on Lignin and Thermoplastic Elastomer Polyurethane as Carbon Fiber Precursors, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 6 (7) (2018) 8816–8825, https://doi.org/10.1021/acssuschemeng.8b01170
- S. Micus, C. Linti, M. Haupt, G. T. Gresser, Daten als Rohstoff der Zukunft. In: Begleitforschung Mittelstand-Digital WIK GmbH (Eds.), Wissenschaft trifft Praxis des BMWi, Medienhaus Plump GmbH, Rheinbreitbach, 05/2018, S. 7-14
- M. Weiß, T. Fischer, M. Tilebein, Wissensorientierte Nutzung von Produktionsdaten – Ein Beispiel aus der Textilindustrie, Industrie 4.0 MANAGEMENT (06/2018) 25-28
- R. Gebhardt, M. Barteld, M. Weiß, M. Tilebein, Aspects of modelling the textile fabric of the future. In: Leading Edge Technologies and Trend in Textiles, 18th World Textile Conference AUTEX 2018, 20.-22.06.2018, Istanbul, Türkei, S. 536-540
- M. Weiß, M. Tilebein, R. Gebhardt, M. Barteld, Smart Factory Modelling for SME – Modelling the Textile Factory of the Future. In: Boris Shishkov (Eds.), Business Modelling and Software Design, 8th International Symposium, BMSD 2018, Springer International Publishing, Wien, Österreich, 02.-04.07.2018, S. 328-337
- L. von Wascinski, M. Weiß, M. Tilebein, Industrie 4.0 für die Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie. In: D. T. Matt (Eds.), KMU 4.0 - Digitale Transformation in kleinen und mittelständischen Unternehmen, WGAB Forschungsseminar 2018, GITO mbH Verlag Berlin, 14.-15.09.2018, Bozen, Italien, S. 1-19
- R. Schneider, S. Frick, Entwicklung von textilbasierten Sensoren für die Überwachung von mechanischen Verformungen und Schädigungen in textilen Verbundwerkstoffen, Veröffentlichung Homepage DITF (24.09.2018)
- A. Ullrich, M. Renardy, I. Jones, L. N. Novikova, L. N. Novikov, M. Renardy, A. Ullrich, M. Wiberg, L. Carlsson, P. J. Kingham, Regenerative effects of human embryonic stem cell‐derived neural crest cells for treatment of peripheral nerve injury, Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine 1 (2018) 1-11, https://doi.org/10.1002/term.2642
- H.-J. Bauder, Textile Leichtbauelemente: Verbindung von architektonischer Gestaltung und Baufunktionalität, Innovative Fassadentechnik 1/ Ernst & Sohn 1 (2018) 33-34
S. Warneke, R. K. Zenn, T. Lebherz, K. Müller, A. Hintennach, U. Starke, R. E. Dinnebier, M. R. Buchmeiser, Hybrid Li/S Battery with a Dimethyl Trisulfide Liquid Cathode and a Sulfurized Poly(acrylonitrile) Solid Cathode, Advanced Sustainable Systems 2 (2018) 1700144
- R. Schneider, P. Feurer, R.Hurtz, O.Berner, O. Hurtz, F. Terzioglu, F.Ramadan, Anwendung der UV-Technologie in der Textilveredlung, TextilPlus 03/04 (2018) 21-25
- E. Held-Föhn, A. Scherrieble, M. Doser, Trends bei Wundauflagen, AVR: Allgemeiner Vliesstoff-Report 5 (2018) 36-39
- J. Hehl, LrCF, Kunststoffe 5 (2018) 77-81
- L. Ausheyks, S. Baz, A. Dinkelmann, H. Finckh, G. T. Gresser, J. Hehl, O. Reichert, O. Rimmel, Tim Scmidt, D. May, P. Mitschang, A. Poeppel, Recycling langer Kohlenstofffasern, Kunststoffe 5 (2018) 77-81
- L. Ausheyks, S. Baz, A. Dinkelmann, H. Finckh, G. T. Gresser, J. Hehl, O. Reichert, O. Rimmel, Tim Scmidt, D. May, P. Mitschang, A. Poeppel, Recycling of Long Carbon Fibers, Kunststoffe International 5 (2018) 44-48
- F. Gähr, S. Berndt, Färben von Aramid, TextilPlus 05/06 (2018) 16-19
- T. Stegmaier, J. Sarsour, G. T. Gresser, R. Wagner, B. Kröplin, P. Kungl, A. Kneer, W. Arnold, H. Bögner-Balz, Energy-Efficient Textile Building with Transparent Thermal Insulation for the Solar Thermal Use According to the Model of the Polar Bear’s Fur, Innovative Energy & Research 7 (2018) 3, DOI: 10.4172/2576-1463.1000218, ISSN: 2576-1463
- J. Benz, G. Mourgas, M. R. Buchmeiser, C. Bonten, Nach dem Vorbild der Faser: Intrinsisch flammgeschütztes Polyamid für die Textil- und Kunststofftechnik, Kunststoffe 7 (2018) 80-82
- C. Lee, B. Sandig, M. R. Buchmeiser, M. Haumann, Supported ionic liquid phase (SILP) facilitated gas-phase enzyme catalysis – CALB catalyzed transesterification of vinyl propionate, Catalysis Science & Technology 8 (2018) 2460-2466
- S. Baz, J. Wellekötter, J. Schwingel, C. Bonten, G.T. Gresser, P. Middendorf, Kohlenstofffasern im Kreislauf halten, Kunststoffe 9 (2018) 101-105
- R. Schneider, S. Brenner, P. Feurer, A. Lenz, R. Stöhr, Vorbehandlung für den Inkjetdruck mit Pigmentfarbtinten, TextilPlus 09/10 (2018) 18-21
- R. Scholz, F. Herbig, D. Beck, J. Spörl, F. Hermanutz, C. Unterweger, F. Piana, Improvements in the carbonisation of viscose fibres, Reinforced Plastics online (26.10.2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.repl.2018.10.002
- Y. Song, Y. Liu, H. Jiang, S. Li, C. Kaya, T. Stegmaier, Z. Han, L. Ren, Temperature-tunable wettability on bioinspired structured graphene surface for fog collection and unidirectional transport, Nanoscale 10 (2018) 3813-3822, https://doi.org/10.1039/C7NR07728A
- P. M. Hauser, M. Hunger, M. R. Buchmeiser, Silica-Supported Molybdenum Alkylidyne N-Heterocyclic Carbene Catalysts: Relevance of Site Isolation to Catalytic Performance, ChemCatChem Invitation to a Special Issue on „Supported Molecular Catalysts“ 10 (2018) 1829-1834
- M. Weiss, R. Utz, M. Ackermann, F.-A. Taran, B. Krämer, M. Hahn, D. Wallwiener, S. Brucker, M. Haupt, J. Barz, C. Oehr, Characterization of a non-thermally operated electrosurgical argon plasma source by electron spin resonance spectroscopy, Plasma Processes and Polymers 10 (2018),
- J. M. Spörl, F. Hermanutz, M. R. Buchmeiser, Einkomponenten-Verbundwerkstoffe aus reiner Cellulose, Lightweight Design 11 (2018) 16-21
- J. M. Spörl, F. Hermanutz, M. R. Buchmeiser, Single-component Composites Made From Pure Cellulose, Lightweight Design worldwide 11 (2018) 20-25
- G. Schieber, L. Born, P. Bergmann, A. Körner, A. Mader, S. Saffarian, O. Betz, M. Milwich, G. T. Gresser, J. Knippers, Hindwings of insects as concept generator for hingeless foldable shading systems, Bioinspiration & Biomimetics 13 (2018) 016012, http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-3190/aa979c/meta
- R. Schowner, I. Elser, F. Toth, E. Robe, W. Frey, M. R. Buchmeiser, Mono- and Bisionic Mo- and W-Based Schrock Catalysts for Biphasic Olefin Metathesis Reactions in Ionic Liquids, Chemistry: A European Journal 24 (2018) 1336 – 13347
- M. R. Buchmeiser, Molybdenum Imido, Tungsten Imido and Tungsten Oxo Alkylidene N-Heterocyclic Carbene Olefin Metathesis Catalysts, Chemistry: A European Journal 24 (2018) 14295-14301
- I. Elser, B. R. Kordes, W. Frey, K. Herz, R. Schowner, L. Stöhr, H. J. Altmann, M. R. Buchmeiser, Latent and Air Stable Pre-Catalysts for the Polymerization of Dicyclopentadiene: From Penta- to Hexacoordination in Molybdenum Imido Alkylidene N-Heterocyclic Carbene Complexes, Chemistry: A European Journal 24 (48) (2018) 12652-12659
- A. Körner, L. Born, A. Mader, R. Sachse, S. Saffarian, A. S. Westermeier, S. Poppinga, M. Bischoff, G. T. Gresser, M. Milwich, T. Speck, J. Knippers, Flectofold – A biomimetic compliant shading device for complex free form facades, Smart Materials and Structures 27 (2018) 017001, http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1361-665X/aa9c2f
- C. Linti, M. Doser, H. Planck, S. Oberhoffner, E. Mueller, M. Renardy, J. Biesinger, B. Neumann, K. Stang, T. O. Greiner, C. Schlensak, S. Krajewski, H. P. Wendel, Development, preclinical evaluation and validation of a novel Quick Vascular Closure Device for transluminal, cardiac and radiological arterial catheterization, The Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine 29 (2018) 83, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10856-018-6092-y
- M. J. Benedikter, G. Frater, M. R. Buchmeiser, Regio- and Stereoselective Ring Opening Metathesis Polymerization of Enantiomerically Pure Vince Lactam, Macromolecules 51 (2018) 2276−2282
- M. Pucino, M. Inoue, C. P. Gordon, R. Schowner, L. Stöhr, S. Sen, C. Hegedüs, E. Robé, F. Tóth, M. R. Buchmeiser, C. Copéret, Promoting Terminal Olefin Metathesis with Supported Cationic Molybdenum Imido Alkylidene N-Heterocyclic Carbene Catalyst, Angewandte Chemie International Edition 57 (2018) 14566-14569
- L. N. Novikova, M. K. Kolar, P. J Kigham, A. Ullrich, S. Oberhoffner, M. Renardy, M. Doser, E. Müller, M. Wiberg, L. N. Novikov, Trimethylene carbonate-caprolactone conduit with poly-p-dioxanone microfilaments to promote regeneration after spinal cord injury, Acta Biomaterialia 66 (2018) 177-191, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.actbio.2017.11.028
- J. M. Spörl, F. Hermanutz, M. R. Buchmeiser, Influence of Carbonization Aids on the Manufacture of Carbon Fibers based on Cellulosic Precursors, Lenzinger Berichte 94 (2018) 85-94
- A. Rawal, S. Sharma, V. Kumar, P.V. Kameswara Rao, H. Saraswat, N. Kumar Jangir, R. Kumar, D. Hietel, M. Dauner, Micromechanical analysis of nonwoven materials with tunable out-of-plane auxetic behavior, Mechanics of Material 127 (2018) 236–245
- M. Pucino, M. Inoue, C. P. Gordon, R. Schowner, L. Stöhr, S. Sen, C. Hegedüs, E. Robé, F. Tóth, M. R. Buchmeiser, C. Copéret, Promoting Terminal Olefin Metathesis with Supported Cationic Molybdenum Imido Alkylidene N-Heterocyclic Carbene Catalyst, Angewandte Chemie 130 (2018) 14774-14777
- A. A. Mousa, Y. A. Youssef, W. S. Mohamed, R. Farouk, E. Giebel, M. R Buchmeiser, Organoclays assisted vat and disperse dyeing of poly(ethylene terephthalate) nanocomposite fabrics via melt spinning, Coloration Technology 134 (2018) 126-134
- S. Warneke, A. Hintennach, Michael R. Buchmeiser, Influence of Carbonate-based Electrolyte Composition on Cell Performance of SPAN-based Lithium-Sulfur-Batteries, Journal of the Electrochemical Society 165 (10) (2018) A2093-A2095
- A. Mayer, M. R. Buchmeiser, Influence of Temperature and Electrolyte Viscosity on the Electrochemical Performance of SPAN-Based Lithium-Sulfur Cells, Journal of the Electrochemical Society 165 (16) (2018) A3943-A3945
- S. Warneke, M. Eusterholz, R. Zenn, A. Hintennach, R. E. Dinnebier, M. R. Buchmeiser, Differences in Electrochemistry Between Fibrous SPAN and Fibrous S/C Cathodes Relevant to Cycle Stability and Capacity, Journal of the Electrochemical Society 165 (2018) A6017-A6020
- A. August, A. Kneer, A. Reiter, M. Wirtz, J. Sarsour, T. Stegmaier, St. Barbed, G. T. Gresser, A bionic approach for heat generation and latent heat storage inspired by the polar bear, Science Direct / Energy 168 (2018) 1017-1030
- Y. Liu, B. Zhan, K. Zhang, C. Kaya, T. Stegmaier, Z. Han, L. Ren, On-demand oil/water separation of 3D Fe foam by controllable wettability, Chemical Engineering Journal 331 (2018) 278-289
- I. Jones, L. N. Novikova, L. N. Novikov, M. Renardy, A. Ullrich, M. Wiberg, L. Carlsson, P. J. Kingham, Regenerative effects of human embryonic stem cell-derived neural crest cells for treatment of peripheral nerve injury, Journal Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine (2018) 1–11, https://doi.org/10.1002/term.2642
- M. Weiss, R. Utz, M. Ackermann, F. Taran, B. Krämer, M. Hahn, D. Wallwiener, S. Brucker, M. Haupt, J. Barz, C. Oehr, Characterization of a non‐thermally operated electrosurgical argon plasma source by electron spin resonance spectroscopy, Plasma Processes and Polymers (2018) e1800150 1-10, https://doi.org/10.1002/ppap.201800150
- Y. Song, Y. Liu, H. Jiang, C. Kaya, T. Stegmaier, Z. Han, L. Ren, Temperature-tunable wettability on a bioinspired structured graphene surface for fog collection and unidirectional transport, The Royal Society of Chemistry Nanoscale (2018), DOI: 10.1039/c7nr07728a
- T. Maschler, B. Stürmer-Stephan, J. Morhard, T. Stegmaier, M. Tilebein, H. W. Griepentrog A Decision Support system for Designing Vegetation Layers with minimised Irrigation Need. In: Easychair Preprint no. 476, 31.08.2018, https://doi.org/10.29007/ss6w
T. Maschler, A. Dinkelmann, T. Stegmaier, H. Finckh, M. Tilebein, G. T. Gresser, Entwicklung einer selbstlernenden Methode zur Prognose der kapillaren Steigkinetik von Fluiden in textilen Fasergebilden, Forschungsbericht, DITF Denkendorf 2016
A. v. Muller, D. Ewert, A. Galatanu, M. Milwich, R. Neu, J. Y. Pastor, U. Siefken, E. Tejado, J. H. You, Melt infiltrated tungsten–copper composites as advanced heat sink materials for plasma facing components of future nuclear fusion devices, Fusion Engineering and Design 124 (11/2017), 455-459
M. Tilebein, New business models, IoTex – Technical brief, Issue 1 (2017) 38-39
E. Frank, D. Ingildeev, M. R. Buchmeiser, High-performance PAN-based carbon fibers and their performance requirements. In: G. Bhat (Hrsg.), Structure and Properties of High-Performance Fibers, Woodhead Publishing, 01.2017
M. Dauner, S. Baz, M. Geier, G.T. Gresser, Rahmenbedingungen zur Verarbeitung von Carbon-Fasern durch Krempeltechnik, AVR: Allgemeiner Vliesstoff-Report 2 (2017) 98-101
E. Giebel, Das 2. Leben der Carbonfaser, Recycling faserverstärkter Kunststoffe in Verbundbauteilen, CCeV Sonderheft Recycling 2 (2017)
A. Artschwager, M. Tilebein, Die Zukunft der textilen Produktion am Beispiel von Microfactories, Melliand Textilberichte 3 (2017) 113
A. Artschwager, M. Tilebein, Textil digital – die Zukunft der textilen Produktion am Beispiel des Strick-Clusters Baden-Württemberg, Melliand Textilberichte 4 (2017) 195-196
H. Finckh, F. Fritz, A. Dinkelmann, G. T. Gresser, Textile Process Simulation as Part of Process Chai. In: Book of Abstracts, 11th European LS-DYNA Conference Salzburg, Österreich, 9.-11.05.2017, ISBN 978-3-9816215-4-9
J. Sarsour, T. Stegmaier, G. T. Gresser, Textile-based collector with integrated latent heat storage for the use of solar thermal energy, Lecture on the TechTextil, Frankfurt, 11.05.2017
R. Gebhardt, M. Barteld, L. Grafmüller, T. Mosig, M. Weiß, Mass Customized Technical Textiles in the B2B Sector, 17th World Textile Conference AUTEX 2017- Textiles - Shaping the Future IOP Publishing, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 254 (2017) 152004, DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/254/15/152004
T. Stegmaier, V. v. Arnim, J. Sarsour, A. Scherrieble, G. T. Gresser, Solar thermal energy harvesting,Lecture on the International Workshop on Bionic Engineering (IWBE2017) – Energy and Bionics, Denkendorf, 13.-14.06.2017
A. Kunze, V. v. Arnim, T. Stegmaier, B. Ewert, G. T. Gresser, A. Teixeira, F. Weininger, Stretch Controlled Shading Capabilities of Special Elastomeric Silicone Films. In: VIII International Conference on Textile Composites and Inflatable Structures, München, 9.-11.10.2017
H. Asadi, J. Uhlemann, T. Stegmaier, V. v. Arnim, N. Stranghöner, Investigations into Long-term Behaviour of Fabrics. In: VIII International Conference on Textile Composites and Inflatable Structures, München, 9.-11.10.2017
N. Borst, M. Specht, M. Schulz, N. Paust, J. Li, U. Götz, E. Held-Föhn, A. Heiß, K. Stock, M. Röder, A. Serr, G. Häcker, R. Zengerle, F. v. Stetten, Erforschung eines integrierten Systems zur simultanen Detektion von Krankenhauskeimen und Antibiotikaresistenzen auf Einzelzellebene, MikroSystemTechnik Kongress München (23.-25.10.2017)
T. Stegmaier, C. Kaya, G. Gresser, ÖLMANTA: Neuartige Ölleit- und Ölabsorptionssysteme für Küste und Binnengewässe. In: ZAL - Zentrum für Angewandte Luftfahrtforschung GmbH (Hrsg.), 2. VDI-Fachtagung, Industrielle Anwendungen der Bionik 2017, Hamburg, 25.-26.10.2017
M. Lütz, H. Akram, S. Küppers, G. T. Gresser, Automated finishing of braided perform ends. In: SAMPE Europe Conference, Stuttgart, 16.11.2017
H. Finckh, F. Fritz, A. Dinkelmann, G. T. Gresser, Textile Process Simulation for Composite Structure. In: Proceeding ADD International Textile Conference 12 (2017)
T. Maschler, T. Stegmaier, M. Tilebein, G.T. Gresser, Zu Übertragbarkeit von Aussagen aus dem vertikalen auf den horizontalen Flüssigkeitseinzug in Nonwovens, 32. Hofer Vliesstofftage – 08.-09.11.2017 – Hof
C. Liebold, A. Haufe, M. Vinot, J. Dittmann, P. Böhler, H. Finckh, F. Fritz, The Digital Prototype as Part of Envyo-Development History and Applications within the ARENA2036 Environmen. In: Book of Abstracts, 11th European LS-DYNA Conference Salzburg, Österreich, 9.-11.05.2017
H. Matheis, M. Tilebein, T. v. Fischer, T. Brunke, J.-Ch. Winkler, S. deVrieze, G. Buyle, Verbesserung der Qualität von Innovationsprojekten im Bereich textiler Innenraumgestaltung, Melliand Textilberichte 98 1 (2017) 43-45
A. Scherrieble, V. v. Arnim, G. T. Gresser, R. Schilk, Umweltschonende Ausrüstung pflegeleichter Objekttextilien, Melliand Textilberichte 98 1 (2017) 35-37
R. Schneider, Mehrwert durch Beschichtung, IGF-Broschüre (2017) 24-25
R. Schneider, Digitale Funktionalisierung von textilen Materialien,TechTextil 2017 Whitepaper (2017)
J. Sarsour, T. Stegmaier, G. T. Gresser, 3D Textile Structures for Harvesting Water from Fog: Overview and Perspective. In: K.I. Mittal, T. Bahners, Textile Finishing, Scrivener Publishing LLC, Massachusetts, USA, 2017, S. 325-343
A. Rawal, V. Kumar, H. Saraswat, D. Weerasinghe, K. Wild, D. Hietel, M. Dauner, Creating three-dimensional (3D) fiber networks with out-of-plane auxetic behavior over large deformations, Journal of Material Science (2017) 52:2534–2548
A. Rawal, V. Kumar, D. Hietel, M. Dauner, Modulating the Poisson’s ratio of articular cartilage via collagen fibril alignment, Materials Letters 194 (2017) 45–48
M. Weiß, T. Fischer, M. Tilebein, Wissensorientierte Nutzung von Informationen im Industrial Internet of Things, Schriftenreihe der Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft für Arbeits- und Betriebsorganisation – WGAB, GITO bmH Verlag Berlin 2017, 119-139
Y. Song, Y. Liu, H. Jiang, S. Li, C. Kaya, T. Stegmaier, Z. Han, L. Ren, Bioinspired Fabrication of one dimensional graphene fiber with collection of droplets application, Scientific Reports 7 (2017), Article number: 12056
G. T. Gresser, F. Henning, H.-J. Bauder, J. Wolfrum, M. Caliskan, B. Thoma, R. Wendel, P. Rosenberg, Aus einem anderen Blickwinkel ORW-Verfahren ermöglicht multiaxiale lokale Verstärkungen für RTM-Strukturbauteile, Kunststoffe 2 (2017) 62-64
M. Lochno, O. Rieder, G. T. Gresser, Entwicklung flexibler, rezeptoraktivierender (afferenzverstärkende) Teil- und Ganzkörper-Inputorthesen zur Behandlung von Bewegungsstörungen infolge neuromotorischer Defizite, Orthopädie Technik 2 (2017)
V. Finckh, J. Schmidt, K. Scharpf, C. Riethmüller, A. Dinkelmann, H. Finckh, G. T. Gresser, Garnbasierter Plagiatschutz durch Sequenzfunktionalisierung, Melliand Textilberichte 98 3 (2017) 151-152
T. Stegmaier, Trends auf der TechTextil 2017, Technische Textilien 3 (2017) 191-192
T. Stegmaier, V. v. Arnim, B. Ewert, A. Dinkelmann, G. T. Gresser, Hochfunktionelle hinterspritzte Bauteile aus innovativen textilen Werkstoffen, Technische Textilien 3 (2017) 191- 192
- R. Schneider, D. Stellmach, A. Neudeck , Verfahren und Basiswissen zur Optimierung der Benetzungskinetik beim Inkjetdruck auf textilen Substraten durch abgestimmte Substrat-Vorbehandlungen und Tinte (IGF 18397 BG), Online-Publikation ITCF (6.10.2017)
G. T. Gresser, C. Riethmüller, M. Friedrich, A. Lange, B. Vanicela, Grüne Fassaden mit smarten Textilien für die zukunftsorientierte Stadt, Ernst & Sohn Special - Innovative Fassadentechnik 2 10 (2017) 70-73
Y. Song, Y. Liu, B. Zhan, C. Kaya, T. Stegmaier, Z. Han, L. Ren, Fabrication of bioinspired structured superhydrophobic and superoleophilic copper mesh of efficient oil-water separation, ScienceDirect Journal of Bionic Engineering 14 (2017) 497-505
H. Matheis, H. Fischer, V. Thomas, M. Tilebein, Erfolgsfaktoren beim Innovieren – Fallstudien basierter adaptiver Leitfaden für die Textilindustrie. In: H. Binz, B. Bertsche, W. Bauer, D. Spath, D. Roth (Hrsg.), Stuttgarter Symposium für Produktentwicklung 2017, Fraunhofer-Verlag, Stuttgart, 2017. ISSN 2364-4885
T. Maschler, H. Finckh, T. Stegmaier, M. Tilebein, G. T. Gresser, Characterisation and prognosis of the capillary rise of fluids in textile structures, exemplified by wicking of sunflower oil into cotton nonwovens, Procedia engineering 200 (2017) 349–356
C. Goergen, S. Baz, P. Mitschang, G. T. Gresser, Recycled carbon fibers in complex structural parts - organic sheets made of rCF Staple Fiber Yarns, Key Engineering Materials 742 (2017) 602-609
T. Maschler, H. Finckh, T. Stegmaier, M. Tilebein, G. T. Gresser, Capillary rise of fluids, Procedia Engineering 200 (2017) 349–356
E. Held-Föhn, A. Heiss, B. Freisinger, Enhanced antibacterial activity of silver-ruthenium coated hollow microparticles, Biointerphases 12, 05G608 (2017) https://doi.org/10.1116/1.5003803
D. A. Imbrich, W. Frey, M. R. Buchmeiser, N-Heterocyclic Carbene-Induced Transmethylation in Tungsten Imido Alkylidene Bistriflates: Unexpected Formation of an N-Heterocyclic Olefin Complex, Chemical Communications 53 (2017) 12036-12039
J. Spörl, F. Batti, M.-P. Vocht, R. Raab, A. Müller, F. Hermanutz, M. R. Buchmeiser, Ionic Liquid Approach Towards Manufacture and Full Recycling of All-Cellulose Composites, Macromolecular Materials and Engineering 303 (2017) 1700335
B. Brück, T. Guglhoer, S. Haug, C, Kunzmann, M. Schulz, T. Schneck, J. Spörl, M. R. Buchmeiser, S. R. Horn, W. M. Mueller, Surface Characterization of Carbon Fibers by Atomic Force Microscopy: Roughness Quantification by Power Spectral Density, Key Engineering Materials 742 (2017) 447-456
M. Ciftci, D. Wang, M. R. Buchmeiser, Y. Yagci, Modification of Polyolefins by Click Chemistry, Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics 218 (2017) 1700279
E. Giebel, T. Herrmann, F. Simon, A. Fery, M. R. Buchmeiser, Surface Modification of Carbon Fibers by Free Radical Graft-Polymerization of 2-Hydroxyethyl Methacrylate for High Mechanical Strength Fiber-Matrix Composites , Macromolecular Materials and Engineering 302 (2017) 1700210
C. Lienert, W. Frey, M. R. Buchmeiser, Stereoselective Ring-Opening Metathesis Polymerizations with Molybdenum Imido Alkylidenes Containing O-Chelating N-Heterocyclic Carbenes: Influence of syn/anti Interconversion and Polymerization Rates on Polymer Structure, Macromolecules 50 (2017) 5701-5710
J. Spörl, R. Beyer, F. Abels, T. Cwik, A. Müller, F. Hermanutz M. R. Buchmeiser, Cellulose-Derived Carbon Fibers With Improved Carbon Yield and Mechanical Properties, Macromolecular Materials and Engineering 302 (2017) 1700195
H. J. Altmann, S. Nauman, M. R. Buchmeiser, Protected N-Heterocyclic Carbenes as Latent Organocatalysts for the Low-Temperature Curing of Anhydride-hardened Epoxy Resins, invited paper, European Polymer Journal 95 (2017) 766-774, Highlighted in Advanced Engineering Materials (20.10.2017)
M. Koy, I. Elser, J. Meisner, W. Frey, K. Wurst, J. Kästner, M. R. Buchmeiser, Molybdenum Alkylidyne N-Heterocyclic Carbene Complexes, Chemistry 23 (2017) 15484-15490
I. Elser, R. Schowner, W. Frey, M. R. Buchmeiser, Molybdenum and Tungsten Imido Alkylidene N-Heterocyclic Carbene Catalysts Bearing Cationic Ligands for Use in Biphasic Olefin Metathesis, Chemistry 23 (2017) 6398 – 6405
M. Frey, R. K. Zenn, S. Warneke, K. Müller, A. Hintennach, R. E. Dinnebier, M. R. Buchmeiser, Easy Accessible, Textile Fiber-based Sulfurized Poly(acrylonitrile) as Li/S Cathode Material – Correlating Electrochemical Performance with Morphology and Structure, ACS Energy Letters 2 (2017) 595-604
D. A. Imbrich, I. Elser, W. Frey, M. R. Buchmeiser, First Neutral and Cationic Tungsten Imido Alkylidene N-Heterocyclic Carbene Complexes, ChemCatChem 9 (2017) 2996-3002
J. W. Krumpfer, E. Giebel, A. Müller, L. Ackermann, C. Nardi-Tironi, J. Unold, M. Klapper, M. R. Buchmeiser, K. Müllen, Poly(methyl vinyl ketone) as a Potential Carbon Fiber Precursor, Chemical Materials 29 (2017) 780-788
M. R. Buchmeiser, Recent Advances in the Regio- and Stereospecific Cyclopolymerization of α,ω-Diynes by Tailored Ruthenium Alkylidenes and Molybdenum Imido Alkylidene N-Heterocyclic Carbene Complexes, Polymer Reviews 57 (2017) 15-30
M. R. Buchmeiser, Tandem Ring-Opening Metathesis – Vinyl Insertion Polymerization: Fundamentals and Application to Functional Polyolefins, Macromolecular Rapid Communications 38 (2017) 1600672
L. Steudle, E. Frank, A. Ota, U. Hageroth, S. Henzler, W. Schuler, R. Neupert, M. R. Buchmeiser, Carbon Fibers Prepared from Melt Spun Peracylated Softwood Lignin, Macromolecular Materials and Engineering 302 (2017) 1600441
M. van der Ende, D. Wang, W. Frey, M. R. Buchmeiser, Pentamethylcyclopentadienyl Titanium (IV) Amido-Pyridylen-Phenylen and –Titanacyclopropane Amido Complexes and Their Behavior in the Polymerization of Ethylene and Cyclic Olefins, ChemCatChem 9 (2017) 1242-1252
W.-C. Liao, T.-C. Ong, D. Gajan, G. Casano, M. Yulikov, M. Pucino, R. Schowner, M. Schwarzwälder, M. R. Buchmeiser, G. Jeschke, O. Ouari, P. Tordo, A. Lesage, L. Emsley, C. Copéret, Dendritic Polarizing Agents for DNP SENS, Chemical Science 8 (2017) 416-422
L. Born, A. Körner, G. Schieber, A. S. Westermeier, S. Poppinga, R. Sachse, P. Bergmann, O. Betz, M. Bischoff, T. Speck, J. Knippers, M. Milwich, G. T. Gresser, Fiber-reinforced plastics with locally adapted stiffness for bio-inspired hingeless, deployable architectural systems. In: A. Herrmann (Hrsg.), 21st Symposium on Composites, Bd 742, Trans Tech Publications (Key Engineering Materials), 2017, S. 689–696, https://doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM.742.689
J. Beerhues, S. Sen, R. Schowner, G. M. Nagy, M. R. Buchmeiser, Tailored Molybdenum Imido Alkylidene N-Heterocyclic Carbene Complexes as Latent Catalysts for the Polymerization of Dicyclopentadiene, invitation to a special issue celebrating Prof. R. H. Grubbs 75th birthday, Journal of Polymer Science A: Polymer Chemistry 55 (2017) 3028-3033
A. S. Westermeier, S. Poppinga, A. Körner, L. Born, R. Sachse, J. Knippers, M. Bischoff, G. T. Gresser, T. Speck, Keine Gelenkbeschwerden – Wie Pflanzen sich bewegen und die Technik inspirieren. In: J. Knippers, U. Schmid, T. Speck (Hrsg.), Baubionik - Biologie beflügelt Architektur, Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde, Serie C, Band 82, Stuttgart, 2017, S. 30-39
K. Bunk, F. A. Jonas, L. Born, G. T. Gresser, J. Knippers, T. Speck, T. Masselter, Vom Ast zum Palast. In: J. Knippers, U. Schmid, T. Speck (Hrsg.), Baubionik - Biologie beflügelt Architektur, Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde, Serie C, Band 82, Stuttgart, 2017, S. 112-120
F. Wulle, D. Kovaleva, H. Christof, K. H. Wurst, A. Verl, W. Sobek, W. Haase, G. T. Gresser, A. Lechler, Die Natur als Ideengeber moderner Fertigungstechniken. In: J. Knippers, U. Schmid, T. Speck (Hrsg.), Baubionik - Biologie beflügelt Architektur, Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde, Serie C, Band 82, Stuttgart, 2017, S. 72-79
- B. Sandig, M.R. Buchmeiser, Highly Productive and Enantioselective Enzyme Catalysis under Continuous Supported Liquid-Liquid Condtions Using a Hybrid Monolithic Bioreactor, ChemSusChem, 9 2917-2921 (2016)
- I. Elser, W. Frey, K. Wurst, M.R. Buchmeiser, Molybdenum Imido Alkylidene Complexes Containing N- and C-Chelating N-Heterocyclic Carbenes,Organometallics, 35, 4106-4111 (2016)
- H. Christof, P. Hofmann, E. Frank, M.R. Buchmeiser, G. Gresser, Textile Lösungen zur Sensorintegration in Faserverbundbauteile, lightweight.design,5, 26-31 (2016)
- M. Arslan, M. Ciftci, M. Buchmeiser, Y. Yagci, Polyethylene-g-polystyrene Copolymers by Combination of ROMP, Mn2(CO)10 Assisted TEMPO Substitution and NMRP, ACS Macro Lett. 5, 946-949 (2016)
- D.A. Imbrich, W. Frey, S. Naumann, M.R. Buchmeiser, Application of Imidazolinium Salts and N-Heterocyclic Olefins for the Synthesis of Anionic and Neutral Tungsten Imido Alkylidene Complexes, Chem. Commun., 52, 6099-6102 (2016)
- M. Zhang, I. Denes, Y. Xue, M.R. Buchmeiser, Ageing of Silicone-Based Dielectric Elastomers Prepared with Varying Stoichiometric Imbalance: Changes in Network Structure, Mechanical, and Electrical Properties, Macromol. Chem. Phys. 217, 1729-1736 (2016)
- S. Deh, F. Gähr, M. R. Buchmeiser, Synergistic Effects in the Pyrolysis of Phosphorus-based Flame-Retardants: The Role of Si- amd N-based Compounds, Polym. Degrad. Stab., 130, 155-164 (2016)
- M. Zhang, I. Denes, M.R. Buchmeiser, Interplay between mechanical fatigue and network structure and their effects on mechanical and electrical properties of thin silicone films with varying stoichmetric imbalance, Macromol. Chem. Phys. 217, 1558-1568 (2016)
- M.R. Buchmeiser, S. Sen, C. Lienert, L. Widmann, R. Schowner, K. Herz, P. Hauserm, W. Frey, D. Wang, Molybendum Imido Alkylidene N-Heterocyclic Carbene Complexes: Structure-Aktivity Correlations and Mechanistic Insights, ChemCatChem, 8, 2710-2723 (2016)
- M. Wang, D. Wang, L. Widmann, W. Frey, M.R. Buchmeiser, Tandem Vinyl Insertion-/Ring-Opening Metathesis Copolymerization with ansa-6-[2-(Dimesitylboryl)-phenyl]pyrid-2-ylamide Zirconium Complexes: Role of Trialkylaluminium and MAO, Poly.Chem. 7, 1987-1998 (2016)
- P. Walther, A. Ota, A. Müller, F. Hermanutz, F. Gähr, M.R. Buchmeiser, Chitin Foils and Coatings Prepared From Ionic Liquids, Macromol. Mater. Eng., 301, 1337-1344 (2016)
- E. Frank, D. Ingildeev, M.R. Buchmeiser, High-Performance Poly(acrylonitrile) (PAN)-Based Carbon Fibers. In: Structure and Properties of High-Performance Fibers (G. Bhat, Ed.), 1st.Ed.Woodhead Publishing LTd. 187, 7-30 (2016) ISBN 978-0-08-100550-7
- M. Pucino, V. Mougel, R. Schowner, A. Federow, M.R. Buchmeiser, C. Copéret, Cationic Silica-Supported N-Heterocyclic Carbene Tungsten Oxo Alkylidene Sites: Highly Active and Stable Catalysts for Olefin Metathesis, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 55, 4300-4302 (2016)
- J.M. Spörl, A. Ota, S. Sun, K. Massonne, F. Hermanutz, M.R. Buchmeiser, Carbon fibers prepared from ionic liquid-derived cellulose precursors, Mater. Today Commun. 7, 1-10- (2016)
- K. Jovic, J.Unold, S. Naumann, M. Ullrich, F.G. Schmidt, M.R. Buchmeiser, In Situ Copolymerization of Lactams for Melt Spinning, Macromol. Mater. Eng., 301, 423-428 (2016)
- M. Zhang, I. Denes, M.R. Buchmeiser, An investigation of structure-property relationships of silicone-based dielectric electro-active elastomer by varying stoichiometric imbalance of the network, Macromol. Mater. Eng. 301, 337-347 (2016)
- S.Pfeifer, P. Demirci, E. Duran, H. Stolpmann, A. Renfftlen, S. Memrava, R. Niewa, B. Clauß, M.R. Buchmeiser, Synthesis of Zirconica Toughened Alumina (ZTA) Fibers for High Performance Materials, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 36, 725-731 (2016)
- F. Gähr, S. Segel, Möglichkeiten der permanenten Garnfunktionalisierung, TextilPlus 07/08, 19-22 (2016)
- R.S.M. Almeida, E.L. Bergmüller, B.G.F. Eggert, K. Tushtev, T. Schuhmacher, H. Lührs, B. Clauß, G. Grathwohl, K. Rezwan, Thermal exposure effects on the strength and microstructure of a novel mullite fiber, J. Am. Ceram. Soc., Vol 99, S. 1709-1716 (2016)
- M. Elgammal, R. Schneider, M. Gradzielski, Development of self-curable hybrid pigment inks by miniemulsion polymerization for inkjet printing of cotton fabrics, Dyes and pigments – Bd. 133, S. 467-478 (2016)
- R. Schneider, M. Funkler, H. Brühl, S. Frick, P. Feurer, S. Brenner, Funktionstinten für den Inkjetdruck, Textilplus – Heft 05/06, S. 27-30 (2016)
Winkler, M.; Grau, G.; Tilebein, M. (2016)
Lebenslanges Lernen - Neue Ansätze für die Textilwirtschaft
In: Gronau, N.; Scholz-Reiter, B. (Hrsg.) Industrie 4.0 Management, GITO mbH Verlag, Berlin 2015 -
Maschler, T., Stegmaier, Th., Finckh, H., Tilebein, M., Gresser, G.T. (2016)
Eine Methode zur Charakterisierung und Prognose der Kapillarkinetik textiler Fasergebilde.
Beitrag zu den 31. Hofer Vliesstofftagen, Hof, Nov. 2016. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.34508.00646.
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von Arnim, V., Stegmaier, T., Dinkelmann, A., Gresser, G., Stellmach, D., Kaiser, C. (2016)
Digitale Funktionalisierung von Textilien für flexible individualisierte Fertigung.
In: Textil Plus – Die Fachzeitschrift für die textile Kette im deutschsprachingen Europa, 03/04 2016, S. 24-27. -
H. Christof, M. Milwich, G. T. Gresser, Räumlich gekrümmte Pultrusionsprofile durch UV-aktive Harze, In: C. Bonten, M. Kreutzbruck (Eds.), Stuttgarter Kunststoffkolloquium 24, Schriftenreihe Institut für Kunststofftechnik, 2016, S. 209-212.
L. Born, A. S. Westermeier, G. T. Gresser, S. Poppinga, T. Speck, Catching inspiration from the carnivorous plant Aldrovanda vesiculosa – The Shading System “Flectofold”, In: A. B. Kesel, D. Zehren (Eds.), Bionik: Patente aus der Natur. Tagungsbeiträge zum 7. Bionik-Kongress in Bremen: Bionik-Innovations-Centrum (B-I-C), Bremen, 1016, S. 137−143