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Hier sind die Links zu den Vorträgen der DITF:
touchpoint textile - DITF and Messe Düsseldorf focus on the relevance of the drupa Microfactory (Prof. Meike Tilebein)
Ink development for textile printing (Dr. Reinhold Schneider)
3D Fashion Product Simulation - Virtual Reality as a starting point for textile printing in the Digital Textile Microfactory (Franziska Moltenbrey)
Transparent and Sustainable Production within Digital Textile Microfactories based on the MFCA Method (Dr. Jürgen Seibold)
Panel Discussion – Digital Textile Micro Factory (Dr. Thomas Fischer, Alexander Mirosnicenko)
Circularity for textiles & fashion with bio-based inks for printing and microfactories in the EU-project HEREWEAR (Dieter Stellmach)