The DITF are obliged by the Whistleblower Protection Directive of the European Union ((EU) 2019 / 1937, (EU) 2020 / 1503) to ensure better protection of whistleblowers and to establish a reporting office where whistleblowers are protected from professional reprisals.
Compliance with legal regulations, internal rules and ethical principles has always been a high priority for the DITF. To ensure compliance with these regulations and principles, you can use the whistleblower system to forward information about possible violations and any misconduct to the internal compliance department (reporting office) quickly, easily and, above all, securely and anonymously.
The internal compliance department is exercised by our legal advisers. They will process your tip, follow it up and provide you with appropriate feedback.
If you do not wish to report your information anonymously, you can also contact them directly in the event of a compliance violation without using the whistleblower portal.
Every report is carefully investigated, whereby the presumption of innocence always applies to reported persons, which can only be lifted after the facts of the case have been successfully clarified.
We have introduced the digital whistleblowing system hintcatcher for communication with the Compliance department. This ensures that you can report your reports completely anonymously. This is not only possible internally, but from any location. The staff council and the data protection officer were involved in the introduction.
For your report please use the following link:
Through the whistleblower system, you can specify the date & time of the possible violation, add file attachments, or verbally relay your information through a voice message.
Your received message will then be received by our internal compliance department and you will receive confirmation of receipt of the message.
You will receive randomly generated access data to your individual, case-related mailbox from the whistleblower system in order to communicate anonymously with our internal compliance department.
Within 7 days you will receive a confirmation of receipt of the report. The report will be reviewed and within 3 months you will receive notification of the outcome of the review and any action taken.
Actions may include contacting the affected individuals or others involved in the environment, depending on the violation and the report. If misconduct is identified, the Compliance Department can provide appropriate instructions for action.