

Dr. rer. nat. Frank Gähr

Head of Testing Laboratory Polymers,Textile Chemistry and Chemical Fibers
Deputy Head of of Competence Center Textile Chemistry, Environment & Energy

T +49 (0)711 93 40-132
Dipl.-Geol. Ulrich Hageroth

Marketing and Communications

T +49 (0)711 93 40-123
Dipl.-Biol. Evi Held-Föhn

Head of Testing Laboratory Biology

T +49 (0)711 93 40-333
Tim Hierlemann M.Sc.

Chemical Testing Laboratory

Staff of ITV Denkendorf Produktservice GmbH

T +49 (0)711 93 40-614
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Matthias Schweins

Head of Service Center Testing Technologies

T +49 (0)711 93 40-288
Dipl.-Ing. Kathrin Thumm

Quality Management

T +49 (0)711 93 40-168


Dipl.-Ing. Hermann Finckh

Deputy Head of Competence Center Staple Fibers, Weaving & Simulation
Head of Numeric Simulation

T +49 (0)711 93 40-401

Future Workshop

Dipl.-Ing. Christoph Riethmüller

Head of Technology Center Smart Living Textiles
Denkendorf Future Workshop

T +49 (0)711 93 40-256