25th anniversary of service for Dr. Jamal Sarsour

On October 1, 2023, Dr.-Ing. Jamal Sarsour, Head of Environmental Technology at the Competence Center Textile Chemistry, Environment & Energy, celebrated his 25th anniversary at the DITF. He studied process engineering, specializing in environmental engineering and food technology, and received his doctorate in 2004 with a thesis on the treatment of wastewater from textile finishing. Sarsour has focused on processes for operational environmental protection as well as on the development of textiles for environmental protection, energy generation and recovery, drinking water production and water treatment.

He was inspired by natural models for the technical solutions, e. g. for the polar bear house and the fog catcher. He passes on this methodological knowledge to students as part of the lecture series “Bionics – Selected examples of the implementation of bio- logically inspired developments in technology” at the University of Stuttgart.