As one of the leading European research institutions in the field of textile technology, the DITF have a special responsibility to support young scientists. Excellent education and professional development based on in-house research is anchored in our statutes and it is one of the major lines of effort for the three research institutions under the DITF umbrella. The goal is the development of highly qualified young scientists and the training of future business executives.

The DITF are closely linked to University of Stuttgart via three chairs:
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Michael R. Buchmeiser
Chair of Macromolecular Materials and Fiber Chemistry - Institute of Polymer Chemistry
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Götz T. Gresser
Chair of Textile Technology, Fiber-Based Materials and Textile Machinery - Institute for Textile and Fiber Technologies (ITFT)
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Meike Tilebein
Institute for Diversity Studies in Engineering
The DITF offer a wide range of research opportunities, including numerous course papers, as well as master and doctoral dissertations. Information on this can be found under the above-mentioned links to the chairs at the University of Stuttgart.
Further Lecture and Research Collaborations exist with
- Ulm University (Master Course Advanced Materials)
- Centre for Interactive Materials (IMAT) at Reutlingen University
- Esslingen University (Textile Mechanical Engineering)
- Interuniversitary Center for Medical Technologies Stuttgart-Tübingen (IZST)
- University of Tübingen (Medical Engineering)
The FTTM-Denkendorf e.V. provides support through scholarships and internships in the field of textile technology, textile machine construction and related fields.
Information on the doctoral admission procedure:
- For students with a foreign degree
- For graduates of universities of applied sciences in the field of textile technology/textile mechanical engineering
is available from Dr. Larissa Born
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