Cleanroom textiles and electrostatic behavior

Tests on textiles for cleanroom applications with regard to functional characteristics such as barrier properties, residual contamination/particle emission, electrostatic behavior as well as mechanical characteristics and aging behavior. Tests on cleanroom clothing and wiping textiles.

Range of services (selection)

  • Testing of particle release from cleanroom garments - Helmke Drum test according to IEST-RP CC-003.4 and/ or suction/counter method based on ASTM F51-20
  • Testing of the barrier ability against airborne particles on barrier textiles in accordance with VDI 3926 part 1
  • Testing the bacterial penetration through cleanroom garment textiles - ReBa² method
  • Testing of electrostatic properties according to DIN EN 1149 and/or DIN 54345
  • Testing of electrical resistance on garments according to DIN EN 61340-4-9
  • List of services - further tests on request