DITF board member Peter Steiger appointed commercial judge by the Minister of Justice of Baden-Württemberg

Peter Steiger

Member of Executive Board

T +49 (0)711 93 40-351

On April 18, 2024, Peter Steiger was presented with the certificate of appointment by the President of the Regional Court of Stuttgart. The Stuttgart Region Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) had nominated him for the position at the Chambers for Commercial Matters at Stuttgart Regional Court.

"I am delighted about the great honor and the trust expressed by the IHK in making a contribution to the good of justice and, not least, to the good of our local economy," said Steiger.

There are special chambers for commercial matters at the regional courts for disputes between merchants. In addition to professional judges, business people also act as honorary commercial judges. The Chamber of Industry and Commerce proposes suitable individuals to the state for appointment. The aim is to combine the expertise of entrepreneurs with the experience of professional judges.