In the new Microfactory multifunction lab, the first demonstrator was realized as part of the Mittelstand 4.0-Kompetenzzentrum Textil vernetzt project. An environmental sensor node from partner Hahn-Schickard and a Bosch sensor were integrated into the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) environment. The sensors collect environmental data such as temperature, humidity and air pressure.
This data is transmitted to clouds at various points in the intranet and internet and stored there. In the cloud, the data can be visualized and further processed. Among other things, the data is displayed at the headquarters of the Kompetenzzentrum Textil vernetzt in Berlin.
The technologies used are Node-Red, MQTT and Grafana. The Node-Red graphical programming environment is used to create the data flows from the sensors to the cloud. MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) is the standard data protocol used primarily for communication between machines. Grafana is an application for the graphical representation of data.
In the next step, the demonstrator is to be extended so that it can then also transmit and display data from a knitting machine. Here, the DITF are working together with the Stoll company. With the central storage of the data in cloud systems, predictive maintenance and quality can be implemented more easily. The demonstrator shows in many ways how IIoT works, how data can be easily collected, processed and centrally stored. The IT environment created in the Microfactory multifunction lab provides the server and network infrastructure for this, so that further sensors can be integrated quickly and cost-effectively.